Thanks for downloading this, er, boat!
Used by the U.S. Navy for patrolling the deltas and rivers of Viet Nam. Based on a pleasure boat design, the PBR provided sterling service in the "Brown Water Navy" This FS model has VC, lights, and moving turret. Also has little extras to give that "lived-in" look.

Make new Folder in your FS2002 or FS2004\Aircraft folder, label it PBR_31_MKII
After downloading the zip, locate it, using your Computer Explorer, Winfile, etc. Double-click on it and extract the file to your PBR_31_MKII folder.Everything should end up in the right place/folder.
Copy the gauges into your Sim's Gauges Folder
Copy the GaugeSound.dll file into your FS Main Folder. Easygauge 2.0, what I used to make gau's, says this file is needed. If you already have one of my later planes, you most likely have this file already installed.

This Boat has been tested in both FS2002 and FS2004.
Sailing the PBR.
You can start your "flight" anywhere you wish, then simply slew to some water.
For best effect, enable Auto Rudder, and put your feet on the floor.
Before moving out, deploy your water jets for steering.
The real PBR had a top speed of about 25-35 knots, but I gave some extra speed for the fun of it. You can top out at quite a high speed. Also, I've never before made a "seafile" :)
The front turret guns will elevate and traverse with stick inputs.
The PBR is equipped with a smokescreen system. But it's kind of lame in FS02.
If you find your self stuck in the water, even at full power, enable a light wind in any direction. Beware that some rivers may be too shallow, and you may have to slew to deeper waters.

Boat to FS equivilents:
Searchlights = Landing Lights
Nav Lights = Nav Lights
Mast Beacon = Beacons
Panel Light = Panel Lights
Smokescreen = Smoke System
Waterjet Deploy = Water Rudder Deploy

This boat was tested in FS2002 and FS2004:
Flight Model set to HARD
Plane Textures set to MASSIVE
Screen res set to 1024X768X32
Reflections set to ON
P4 1.5 GHZ
768 MB RAM
ATI 9600 128 MB with 3.8 Cat Drivers
TM Cougar HOTAS/CH Pro Pedals
Results with your Computer and Sim Settings may vary.

This aircraft was built to the best of my skills and knowledge. I don't mind constructive comments, or how-to's, but "This Sucks!" type e-mails will be ignored. As for repaints, new versions, etc. I have no idea if, when, or what. So please, no "placing orders".
These files shouldn't harm your computer, but I accept no responsability for their use and effect.
Play with it,do repaints, give to friends or enemies, but do not make money off of it without my express approval. Also,if you want to re-post on your site, or another site, please ask me first:) I usually say yes, unless my plane been too corrupted or hacked by you or others.

Tim Piglet Conrad
Piglet's Peculiar Planes